Meet Gigi

This holiday season, we would like to introduce you to some of the youth of West End House. Each day this week, we will showcase one of our young people and their aspirations for 2017.



“I look forward to finishing out my senior year of high school strong, and connecting with my peers and mentors at West End House as I prepare for my first year at Centre College in Kentucky. As a recipient of the Posse Foundation Scholarship, I know I will have support during my college career, but I also know that I can count on West End House College Success Coaches Morgan and Portsha to be there for me when I need them.

I am looking forward to starting college so I can study environmental science, biology, and veterinary sciences–I want to be a marine biologist one day. I’m currently a Peer Leader in the Education Center, and have the opportunity to share my love of science with elementary school youth. Casey, West End House’s Career Development and Employment Specialist, is working with me to secure an external internship this summer at an animal shelter or at the aquarium so I can give back to my community.”

Gigi is one of the 115 teens employed annually at West End House through our Leadership and Career Development Program.


P.S. Tomorrow, you will have the chance to meet Jonathan, a Peer Leader in West End House’s Music Clubhouse.