West End House youth and families – please join us for Inktober, West End House edition. Inktober is a month long art challenge created by artist Jake Parker that focuses on improving skill and developing positive drawing habits.

It’s simple: every day for the month of October, make a drawing in ink (pen). You can start your drawing in pencil, using the prompts provided or come up with your own. Then share your drawing with a friend, family or staff member.

Post your drawing on social media and tag West End House  (@westendhousebgc on Facebook, @westendhouseBGC on Instagram, @WestEndHouseBGC on Twitter).

We can’t wait to see all of your sketches! 

Date in October

1 – Leaves
2 – Spider
3 – Beanie
4 Pumpkin
5 Orange
6 – School
7 – Someone you love
8 – Water
9 – Sports
10 – Dawnn
11 – Hope
12 – Light
13 – Art
14 – Your pet or cat
15 – Biggest Fun Ever
16 – Shoes
17 – Sleep
18 – Music
19 – Fall Activity
20 – Nuggets
21 – Buddy/Friend
22 – Hot Drink
23 – Dance
24 – Bodega
25 – Technology
26 – Skeleton
27 – Tasty
28 – Fruit
29 – Dark
30 – Costume
31 – Candy